Captain's Personal Log: <Begin recording> I have chosen to take an away team to the planet Demeter to
investigate reports of sabotage over the passive objections of my XO. Frankly, I was surprised Major Reynolds
allowed this, given his background as a Marine trained to follow the rules, but it is likely the commands of a
senior officer that overrode. We may need to discuss this later, rules are made to be broken if for the right
reasons. I am not referring to my own participation in the away mission, but Reynolds concern of offering an
alternative opinion.
As expected, the risks on the away mission were low. Again, minor but irritating, damages that are disrupting
the flow of replicore from the agricultural planet. As they supply 75% of the replicore goo for the replicators of
the DFA fleet, this has the potential of making things more uncomfortable for more than just the Demetrians.
They are an interesting breed of humans, a matriarchal society, but this may be an affect of a virus discovered
within the population, leading to sterility, and early death of males. Crewman Cer'dan and Dr Cully Adair-Lovett
made the initial observations, but Dr Clark, our Virologist on staff, is making strides towards understanding the
impact this virus that has embedded itself into the local population. I anxiously await those results, perhaps we
can help them.
I went swimming in a batch of replicore goo that had gone bad. Note for self; never do that again....the smell
still lingers. Someone had dropped a stuffed animal into the batch and it jammed the stirring mechanism
causing the problem. Again, as on the mining colony Rhonnda, someone had broken the subspace transceiver
isolinear transmission chip. And like Rhonnda, the two suspects have no reason to do so. Demeter also has a
creature problem, one ate a hole in the combine tire, which we have since replicated and repaired for Ms
McAlister. Ensign Monroe and Anya McAlister herded the Molvian Wildebeasts back to the farm. Lini and
mRory assured everyone that they could not have released them in their explorations of the barn the previous
Aboard ship, we may have issues now as well. There is evidence of minute cuts in the plasma conduits. Going
to high pressure warp speed could have ruptured the lines. DW 179 discovered the sabotage, and we are
repairing the damage. Sel'ra and Ensign West, our newest intel officer are following up on this. Sel'ra and
Jack West find more meddling in one of the jammed turbolift. I am going to need Ensign West for critical roles
when we arrive on the border with the Romulans.
Six has been an unending source of frustration. I have to admit, things did not turn out as I had hoped. Six,
ensign 'Kit' Taylor, and a Kazon Kal, self-named 4 of 6, had an 'accident' and found a borg cooperative in the
Nekrit Expanse. Kal stayed, the other two were able to return home. I had hoped that Covaar and Kal could
have hit it off, but I fear Kal was more disturbed than we had first suspected. Six and Kit were disciplined, but
the lesson was (Possibly) lost on Six. Ensign Pania and Six explored Alice in Wonderland, by report, Six
delighted in her role as Alice the executioner. I am tempted to test her ability with the sword. I have authorized
Major Reynolds to begin the training process of Six for tactical use. Precise was the word I believed he used.
Six is taking education classes for all children. Still, with all this training, I cannot trust her to make the right
decision. She still relies on others command. A weapon without a conscious, a dangerous combination. I am
almost tempted to give in to her request to only allow her a command source, to prevent her from making lethal
mistakes at the cost of the crew, if not for the requirement that it would require me to go against everything I
believe in. No Slavery, the right of self-determination even if their choice was a stupid idea, the opportunity to
grow. There may come a time where the good of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
<End recording>
Onboard Cromwell-B: DW 123 has re-opened Torrs' Bar, no discernible changes, but people are returning to
the bar. He has done something good for Ten Forward. 'Mr Eight' however, has had some disturbing
malfunctions, calling out Ensign Wilder's post void hygiene practices in public, and some disturbingly graphic
observations in sickbay.
Meanwhile: DFA Academy Cadets: Breaking the Prime Directive, Whither and Jensen hacking planetary
Weather control (did no one notice the global warming?), showing up to the test planet late, Connar forgetting
to actually turn on the sensors, a Bear sacking the shuttle...The test is not going well. Paige and Tas stumble
across a wildlife refuge, and with Whither and Connar, make contact with the locals. First contact procedures
put into place after they make contact. Tas delivers twins...Snow monkey Twins. Tas confirms his desire to
reach conscientious objector status with Lt Kalmanson.
Fleet Captain Carson Sesgaard
Commanding Officer
DFA Cromwell-B