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Devon Alexander

Captains Log:<Begin recording>   Promotions have come through for Lt (jg) Shauli, 1st Lt Rose Petalosa and Lt (jg) Riggi.  Well deserved.

On a more exciting note, the party was a great success and at various times, most of the crew joined in.  There was more music played than we normally see, and the variety was wider than usual.  It is in the great traditions of the DFA.

I took some time for myself, as the rest of the crew were  goes to work off some aggregation, and Banor came in and defeated the enemy without me having lifting a finger.  I learned a different lesson than I had set out to do.

Commander Jinx has assigned Shaouli to Beta shift supervisor and bridge training.  As captain, I took advantage of the assignment to challenge Lts Martis and Shaouli to an intellectual game.  Crewman Wells was fastest off the line.  I may have to send her to OCS at this rate.  Bridge Practice for Lts Shaouli and Martis involved a comet.  The challenge, not a physical or tactical one.  The basic question of because we can, should we do something?  Both Martis and Shouli did well.  Sometimes it is not necessary to do anything, but await the right time to do so.

There is a report of a cat on board Cromwell, answers to Alponse.  We'll see what this portends for CRMB.

Cromwell recieved a distress call from Starfleet regarding Phoenix.  Ship went to yellow alert and set course for Phoenix at maximum warp.  Phoenix station is missing, which means commander Tule is missing as well.  I had timed it back to Phoenix to get Tule placed on Pheonix before she disappeared, hopefully Pheonix would not disappear this time.  I have made senior staff aware of my actions, but the crew in general does not.  We will be able to concentrate on rescue efforts instead this time.

Captain's log, supplemental.  Events are changing.  Things I knew from last time Cromwell came to Phoenix's rescue in a time loop, are no longer occurring.  Something has changed this time.  This event is as new to me now as it is the crew who would think they sre seeing this the first time.  We are taking aboard refugees as Starfleet ships leave.  Cromwell is staying behind to begin some investigations.  Of concern, Banor is missing.  Sensors are recording he is aboard, but not where.

Captain's Log Supplemental: We have brought aboard a Gorn bounty hunter, and two Starfleet ensigns.  This is new, and has not happened before.  I don't recall them.  I am going to ask Starfleet to allow us to keep them aboard for a while while we question them.  Maybe they know something I do not.  I am in uncharted territory.  I will need the steadiness of my crew to get us to the other side of this catastrophic event.

<End Recording>

Captain Carson Sesgaard Commanding Officer DFA Cromwell-B

XO report: We had a fairly quiet start to this month, as our various crew members returned from several places. Each seemingly had their own problems to deal with, although it turned out that they were all connected, with the Galdalorians, the Dolamin, and the Magdalori, all beginning life on Magdalor. Hopefully, they will be able to use this newly rediscovered connection to form a lasting bond and bring stability to their sector of space.

The latter half of the month has been a bit hectic. An anomaly has swallowed Starbase Phoenix, and we have rushed to the site to help evacuate the crew and civilians. Operations there are ongoing, although we've not seen Cromwell this crowded in years.

------------------------------- Lieutenant Commander Geran Jinx Executive Officer, DFA Cromwell-B --------------------------------

Devon Alexander

Captains Log:<Begin recording>

Lini challenges Darros to show her something new.  She may have been flirting, but Darros shows her free diving in a zero G water bubble, removing her face mask.  Lini begins to think he was drowning her, but realizes he did show her something new.  Both walk away from the encounter, with Darros having shown Lini something new.  Repercussions?  There are always repercussions.  Darros is offered a chance to become certified pilot for Cromwell shuttles, under Lini's sister tutelage.

The situation on Magdalor has gotten very complicated.  It seems the terrorists attacking the Magdalori are the Dolain responding to the Magdalori (Arial) Drone Carriers attacking Dolamin.  Major Reynolds surrenders the Dolamin and Commander MarQ halts the hostilities.  Ensign Shaouli defuses the Magdalori Atomic Bomb sent to Dolamin by he Arial (Magdalori), returned by the elite attack Dolamin soldiers to blow up the Mission control center at the space port controlling the Carrier drones sent to Dolamin, and defused with help from Magdalori Scientists, Dolamin Ordinance and Ensign Shouli's natural aptitude.  Banor debriefed the involved crew.  There seems to be no intent or favortism, and all are released with no detrimental note in the records.  In fact, Many received commendations from their respective host governments. 

Aboard Cromwell, We discover that the Galdalorians were attacking the DFA Marines, believing the DFA was taking over their planet, which, while not true, was easily misconstrued by the DFA actions and lack of communication on Eridi III.  We also find the Dolamin have attacked Galdalorians on some of their colony worlds, so Galdalorian technology seems to be springing from captured Dolamin equipment.

As far as I can tell, the three races are interconnected, with the Dolamin being the least empathic, and most warrior like, the Galdalorians being industrious, but limited to sublight ships, and the Magdalori being resourceful and innovative although reclusive.  All stem from the same basic stock, and their current reunification discussions may prove beneficial to themselves, and to the DFA.  They could potentially bring in seven new planets to the DFA.

Dr Oglethorpe's comatose corpse disintegrates before Dr Adair-Lovett and the EMH1 can get it returned to the cryogenic capsule.  Then, the real Dr. Oglethorpe walked into Sickbay and reported that the discovered the body was a transporter accident.   Lt. Braun made his reappearance, evidently Ficus runs in the science veins, as Dr Braun's biosignature is that of algae.  Note to self, must have the bioscanners re-calibrated, won't do to half half the crew be plant people.  Dr Braun has been tasked with building a new Intel office.  We have made some noisy construction modifications to Cromwell while in orbit over Magdalor.  From what I hear, it set off a few nightmares, and flashbacks, among the crew.

All away teams have been recalled and returned to Cromwell.  I am putting in for some R&R time for each of the crew.  This Magdalori Mission has been very taxing on all the crew.  I think a month of down time is in order.

t'Kheall returns to work while Desson continues to babysit baby Mikey.  Meetings are set with the crew involved on Eridi III, Dolamin and Magdalor.  Culledon has a nostalgic magical meeting on the holodeck.

Post Stress nightmares were aboard Cromwell.  It is still early after the missions, so the after effects may take a bit to resolve.  The captain throws a party to relieve the stress and allow the crew to reconnect.  

Two crew found a different way to relieve the stress.  Ensign Shaouli partook in Commander MarQ's stress relief program.  I will have to check back and see if she is still feeling blue...

<end Log>

Captain Carson Sesgaard Commanding Officer DFA Cromwell-B

Devon Alexander

Captains Log:  The Cromwell Eridi III away team has been missing now for months, Unknown to Cromwell they have become integrated with the Dolamin and now leading an attack on the Arial.  All hope to end the war once and for all.  Final preparations were voiced and the tip of the spear, the elite troops, advance to place the bomb.  Contact has been made with the enemy, all is going as planned.

Meanwhile, the opening salvos of Shaouli and MarQ's war on Terror opens with accusations of friendly fire on "Burning man tailgaters", civilians brouight in by Dr Hathbom.  It turns out Preacher in the shuttle was rerouting the civilians under orders from MarQ.  Strafing the road at nearly 'danger close',  Shouli, from her position saw a shuttle firing through the dust and sand as civilians scattered.  Rallied by Shouli's defiant firing on the shuttle, the civilians pitched in to defend themselves until MarQ saw the angles, and called off both sides.  Another case of the friendly fire incidents so commonly seen.

Meanwhile, Lini has begun sleepwalking, and who does she stumble across?  Of all people, Darros.  Where will this lead?

<Begin recording>

Stardate 2417.03.31: Cromwell is under high speed warp to Eridi III.  The Galadorians have taken the wall, and our marines prisoner, breached the wall and are closing on Jinx's Stone Henge Fortress.  Already Artillery is beginning to fire on the Marine base. We should arrive any time, hope fully it is soon enough.

My thoughts go back to Commander MarQ.  He is convinced, as is Chief Inspector Navarro, the terrorists will be attacking.  Since I have heard nothing, I hope they are bored, and safe. <Subsequent foot note, Stardate 2417.04 contact was made with the attacking terrorists shortly after Cromwell left orbit>

Lt Braun working with M'riss and Jinx was able to upgrade our sensor net back to working standards.  I wish I had them up when the Romulan phase ships had attacked, we may have been writing a different history.  Since then, Lt. Braun has disappeared.  It may be my own cynicism but I think he is, or was, up to something; he has disappeared, and Dr Oglethorpe has become comatose.  Dr Adair-Lovett is working on Dr Oglethorpe.  Something tells me the two events are related.

<end Log>

Captain Carson Sesgaard Commanding Officer DFA Cromwell-B

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