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Devon Alexander

Captains Log:<Begin recording>

Lini challenges Darros to show her something new.  She may have been flirting, but Darros shows her free diving in a zero G water bubble, removing her face mask.  Lini begins to think he was drowning her, but realizes he did show her something new.  Both walk away from the encounter, with Darros having shown Lini something new.  Repercussions?  There are always repercussions.  Darros is offered a chance to become certified pilot for Cromwell shuttles, under Lini's sister tutelage.

The situation on Magdalor has gotten very complicated.  It seems the terrorists attacking the Magdalori are the Dolain responding to the Magdalori (Arial) Drone Carriers attacking Dolamin.  Major Reynolds surrenders the Dolamin and Commander MarQ halts the hostilities.  Ensign Shaouli defuses the Magdalori Atomic Bomb sent to Dolamin by he Arial (Magdalori), returned by the elite attack Dolamin soldiers to blow up the Mission control center at the space port controlling the Carrier drones sent to Dolamin, and defused with help from Magdalori Scientists, Dolamin Ordinance and Ensign Shouli's natural aptitude.  Banor debriefed the involved crew.  There seems to be no intent or favortism, and all are released with no detrimental note in the records.  In fact, Many received commendations from their respective host governments. 

Aboard Cromwell, We discover that the Galdalorians were attacking the DFA Marines, believing the DFA was taking over their planet, which, while not true, was easily misconstrued by the DFA actions and lack of communication on Eridi III.  We also find the Dolamin have attacked Galdalorians on some of their colony worlds, so Galdalorian technology seems to be springing from captured Dolamin equipment.

As far as I can tell, the three races are interconnected, with the Dolamin being the least empathic, and most warrior like, the Galdalorians being industrious, but limited to sublight ships, and the Magdalori being resourceful and innovative although reclusive.  All stem from the same basic stock, and their current reunification discussions may prove beneficial to themselves, and to the DFA.  They could potentially bring in seven new planets to the DFA.

Dr Oglethorpe's comatose corpse disintegrates before Dr Adair-Lovett and the EMH1 can get it returned to the cryogenic capsule.  Then, the real Dr. Oglethorpe walked into Sickbay and reported that the discovered the body was a transporter accident.   Lt. Braun made his reappearance, evidently Ficus runs in the science veins, as Dr Braun's biosignature is that of algae.  Note to self, must have the bioscanners re-calibrated, won't do to half half the crew be plant people.  Dr Braun has been tasked with building a new Intel office.  We have made some noisy construction modifications to Cromwell while in orbit over Magdalor.  From what I hear, it set off a few nightmares, and flashbacks, among the crew.

All away teams have been recalled and returned to Cromwell.  I am putting in for some R&R time for each of the crew.  This Magdalori Mission has been very taxing on all the crew.  I think a month of down time is in order.

t'Kheall returns to work while Desson continues to babysit baby Mikey.  Meetings are set with the crew involved on Eridi III, Dolamin and Magdalor.  Culledon has a nostalgic magical meeting on the holodeck.

Post Stress nightmares were aboard Cromwell.  It is still early after the missions, so the after effects may take a bit to resolve.  The captain throws a party to relieve the stress and allow the crew to reconnect.  

Two crew found a different way to relieve the stress.  Ensign Shaouli partook in Commander MarQ's stress relief program.  I will have to check back and see if she is still feeling blue...

<end Log>

Captain Carson Sesgaard Commanding Officer DFA Cromwell-B


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