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Devon Alexander

Stardate: 2416.07

Captains Log:   In order to flush out the Romulan conspiracies, I have made the difficult decision to agree to Commander tr'Saren's request to occupy Cromwell.  His legions may occupy Cromwell, But I do not leave her defenseless.  Leaving defense of her in charge of Commander MarQ, and captain Adams, I leave Jinx in command of the ship. This alliance is too new not to accept the challenge, but not to be prepared for Romulan Culture.

Banor has deployed methods to activate the self destruct if it comes to that.  Ginger is guarding key areas of CRMB, hopefully the Romulans will stay away and not press that point.  Jinx laid plans to make the Legionnaires disappear, and replace them with Holograms.  All in all, not quite the 'taking custody' that tr'Saren wished.  My own trust in Romulans is going to take more time.


Carson was taken into custody, and actually arrested and cuffed to return for interrogation on S'Task.  It reinforced Carson's belief that a subterfuge remained possible.  And that 'Guest ' status may not hold any weight despite t'Pals assurances that honor required it.  To tr'Sarens credit though, he did not promise such a thing to Carson, which means guest status is not assumed to be safe.  With sudden change of heart for any work towards rescuing t'Pal, Carson questioned if his decision to help was poorly made.  Still his 'Captors' gave him fairly broad leniency.  Top down Rihannsu command, by the book, and the S'Task crew seems somewhat scattered in what to do, and thus far have done nothing.

Carson and Banor have had conversations under the noses of their captors. Despite Security, which is keeping a polite distance, Carson is able to continue to check in on the non-predictable pattern.  Jinx for his part is slipping information and supplies to Carson through various contacts.  Sesgaard recognizes these small steps are the beginnings of cooperation.  Will the Romulans waste the effort though?

Our Quiet Lt Emganwini has taken initiative by rescuing a slave!  While this will likely create a diplomatic incident, Lt Emganwini is exhibiting all the finest of DFA officers.

Back at Chetzia, Cadet Rory Shauoli overhears DFA Admiral Garrett talking about 'the five'.  Fleet Commander Sheldon issues orders to have the fleet go to a higher alert status, Rory is about to set out on her Cadet Cruise before graduation.

Devon Alexander

Stardate: 2416.06

Captains Log:  Cromwell and S'Task continue to Romulus, finally reaching orbit.  Cromwell crew search the previous XO's room in search of clues to where she could have gone and why.  It seems she has truly left, with only one hint, a brochure for Elemental Valley.  When Cromwell reaches Romulus, Michael slips away, and is not heard from.

     Thorn, a replacement pilot for the marines, has a hidden past, and her personal dealings with the Romulans is proving daunting.  Barcap went well with mixed flight of Nails and Thorn, and no major kerfluffles.  Thorn decides to cover a slave tattoo on her wrist, and Dr Shran's precision artistry completes this as requested.   Thorn was then willing to test her limits by touring Romulus with Janos and Emganwini.  Surprising all three is a doppelganger of Thorn, which, superficial differences aside, is her exact duplicate.  Thorn, for unknown reason, goes catatonic in the encounter and is returned to Cromwell.  The crew is hoping Dr. Shran can somehow break through to her.       

     Jinx is named XO of Cromwell as the crew begins to move on.  He immediately is confronted by T'Thel (when she tells him), his replacement chief engineer, is a Starfleet intel informant.  Together they inform the captain, until Shamrock, one of the Marine Pilots, bursts in with a proposal, a literal wedding proposal, to T'Thel.  They will have to work through the politics of this situation, and Jinx and T'Thel go to talk further.  But instead of discussing plans with the captain, Jinx decides the best course of action is to set a trap for Starfleet and get SFI to attack Cromwell, while in orbit over Romulus.  Is Jinx's hatred of Starfleet is overruling the best interests of the DFA?

     As crazy an idea that sounds, even more wild ideas are being discussed and implemented.  Carson slips off for a little recon by himself.  This may cost him his ship when S'Task is attacked by a Romulan disguised as a human in a DFA uniform. Sesgaard is challenged by tr'Saren, the acting Commander of S'Task, while t'Pal is "away",  Will Carson allow S'Task Legionnaires to take custody of Cromwell while joining an effort to unravel and disrupt Romulan conspiracies?  Will this cost Sesgaard his ship and his command?

    Romulan Plotting is intricate and several discoveries were made.  Starfleet intelligence has Orions working for them, who are also working for  the Romulans.  A Romulan house has break though technology in a phase shift cloak, that doesn't leave the crew disoriented or worse, when used, and used it to attack S'Task and Cromwell.  It looks as if Starfleet and Romulans are working together to divide the DFA territory, as had been originally planned...before the DFA rebellion was born, and took several sectors of the Delta Quadrant from both the UFP and RSE.

    Nala sends a coded message to Jinx, and in a personal meeting, informs Jinx that t'Pal has been removed from command and is missing.  They find a "Starfleet agent" and a "Klingon Diplomat" working together.  The four return to Cromwell, and Nala and Sinclair face off over the Cromwell conference table. This was really bad timing as both would soon be presented with the proof by Commander Marq of the DFA, that SFI and Romulans are in collusion to dismantle the DFA.

    This next month will test Cromwell's  alliance  with S'Task to the limits.

Devon Alexander

Stardate: 2416.05

Captains Log: Cromwell lured the last Romulan renegade phase shifting ship next to the Orion ship, then used the Orion ship's trap to destroy the last Romulan attacker.  Now comes the dirty work of finding out why this occurred.  Away teams from both Cromwell and S'Task were formed and sent to the Romulan wreckage.  The Cold Fusion Torpedoes drained the energy from the ship, killing them before the crew could escape.  Part of the process was the intense cold that killed the crew at their posts, the energy of these living creatures, under pressure and cold, turned to a hydrocarbon fuel.  There was nothing organic left.  Defrosting the ships to find access for computers found these pockets of oil and gasses under pressure made for an explosive combination.  The cold fusion torpedoes were also so highly effective, breaking structural integrity at the atomic level.  S'Task and Cromwell away teams found themselves on a wreck that was breaking apart, exposing them to deep space.  Emergency beam out sent Major Reynolds and Tyr tr'Saren to Cromwell Sickbay, and the rest of the away teams to S'Task.

Aboard Cromwell, Security begins to explore what happened to Nevala, and find a short range subspace transmitter.  Who was she talking to?  The only one in range would have to be aboard S'Task.  Martis, Sheval and Carson head over to follow this lead, and find the Romulans hiding news that a number of Romulans also disappeared at the same time as Nevala.  Romulan Security blames Tal Shiar sympathizers.  They give up as the Romulans are less than forthcoming with information.

With the loss of the XO, a new XO had to be appointed.  Captain Sesgaard tapped Jinx to fill the position.  The crew is preparing to launch an investigation into the Romulan actions, and should arrive on Romulus soon.

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