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Devon Alexander

Stardate: 2416.05

Captains Log: Cromwell lured the last Romulan renegade phase shifting ship next to the Orion ship, then used the Orion ship's trap to destroy the last Romulan attacker.  Now comes the dirty work of finding out why this occurred.  Away teams from both Cromwell and S'Task were formed and sent to the Romulan wreckage.  The Cold Fusion Torpedoes drained the energy from the ship, killing them before the crew could escape.  Part of the process was the intense cold that killed the crew at their posts, the energy of these living creatures, under pressure and cold, turned to a hydrocarbon fuel.  There was nothing organic left.  Defrosting the ships to find access for computers found these pockets of oil and gasses under pressure made for an explosive combination.  The cold fusion torpedoes were also so highly effective, breaking structural integrity at the atomic level.  S'Task and Cromwell away teams found themselves on a wreck that was breaking apart, exposing them to deep space.  Emergency beam out sent Major Reynolds and Tyr tr'Saren to Cromwell Sickbay, and the rest of the away teams to S'Task.

Aboard Cromwell, Security begins to explore what happened to Nevala, and find a short range subspace transmitter.  Who was she talking to?  The only one in range would have to be aboard S'Task.  Martis, Sheval and Carson head over to follow this lead, and find the Romulans hiding news that a number of Romulans also disappeared at the same time as Nevala.  Romulan Security blames Tal Shiar sympathizers.  They give up as the Romulans are less than forthcoming with information.

With the loss of the XO, a new XO had to be appointed.  Captain Sesgaard tapped Jinx to fill the position.  The crew is preparing to launch an investigation into the Romulan actions, and should arrive on Romulus soon.


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