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Jonathan Moore

Carson Sesgaard sat in the command chair on second shift watching the star pass, their red shift mesmerizing. He finally hit the comm button, taking action on work he had been avoiding.

"Computer, begin recording. First officers log: Ship status update.

The Nal'gaharay prisoners are quiet and subdued for the moment. Keeping them separate within the brig had been useful. Pairs and triples fomented rebellion. On their own, they are more... manageable. Lt. Martis had her hands full with the prisoners, but has them under control for the moment.

The Marines were crazed, create chaos and havoc when we beamed them back from the terrorist's ship. Slowly some were coming around, but they required around the clock observation as they came down from what ever has affected them. Dr. Vartok Afvillhei and Dr. t'Kheall have their hands full managing the psychosis and aftermath. We are hoping for some resolution, either an antidote, or self resolution by time.

Lt. Maria Reynolds has been involved in handling the processing of the prisoners. Considering their non-compliance, and the required security surrounding them, both the JAG, and Lt Sheval ch'Kayag, who is acting security supervisor on the prisoners during interrogation and processing, were dealing with volatile and dangerous criminals. I believe Lt. Martis' choice of Supervisor was excellent, although tactical is weaker without him.

Cromwell had been rocked by an explosion set off by the terrorists from their own ship. Chief engineer T'Lis had spotted the engine overload build up, allowing Cromwell to get their away teams back, and a number of the surviving Nal'Gaharay as well. All these people required special housing, and could not just be introduced into the general ship populations. This required movement of the Capanellan Assault ship crew. 'The Colonels', meaning Col Lessa and Lt. Col Dejah were less than pleased with the current status of the Capanellan crew. I have turned my own room over to Col. Anara Lessa, as an honor to house one of the rebellion freedom fighters. But, as I pointed out to Lt. Col. Dejah, I am not running a five star hotel. I am pleased to report, that Cromwell current rates two stars from the Colonels. My assumption is that means they get clean sheets.

Commander Banor continues to make some improvement, but his brother is who I am most concerned about. Cromwell's most recent encounter ended less than optimal, but without bloodshed. I am concerned about our next encounter, but I am counting on Ensign Epsa Boran's research, both on Banor's behalf and for Cromwell's defense. If not, ch'Kayags skill at tactical will be required.

Cromwell is enroute to Capanella. Our ETA is two days. The Captain is divided between Admiral Fairchild and Holodeck privileges with Lt. Martis. If he and I did not get along so well, I might stop in and see what program they are running.

I have no complaints regarding this crew. They are steadfast, and when called upon, always rise to the occasion. I wish I could return the favor. Perhaps I can get them some down time on Capanella.

Carson stopped to survey the bridge. "First officer out. Computer, end recording."

Jonathan Moore

This was a month of mystery for the Cromwell crew. An away team to Arramin II found rocky ruins, and a desert, and deserted planet. But as they explored, life had found a way to survive. Between giant Guinea pigs, and old explorers, the place was not as lifeless as was expected. Between Rock slides, electrical storms, Base jumping and Pizza parties, complete with Kum-bay-yah singalongs, the crew managed to survive. All too soon the away team mission was recalled home for their scheduled rendevous with the Cromwell. The mystery of the cathedral would have to wait for the next away team mission. The away team shuttle was intercepted by assaulting Nal'gaharay. Spectacular flying and some well times shield changes crashed landed the away team back aboard Cromwell. It also also allowed emergency transport of a Starfleet engineer, who took advantage of the shields being down to escape the Nal'gaharay to come to Cromwell. (Welcome aboard our newest player!) It was time to turn the tables on the terrorists. DFA Marine forces led by Major Dejah crossed to a disabled Nal'gaharay ship and are fighting to capture the crew. 

Shipboard we found a restless command crew, while the Cromwell scouted the Nalgaharay blackout sector. And those who don't dri8nk, got drunk, and those who don;t get drunk, got drunk for the first time...The command crew had too much time on their hands, and ghosts haunting their thoughts. With everyone lost in thier own thoughts, each was making decisions about their lives and their choices. 

Paperwork must still be completed, even in a 25th century war zone. Lt. Col Dejah's promotion finally came through (Thanks to the Borderlands Council) A number of the DFA Fleet crew also recived promotions, congratulations to all. 

Jonathan Moore

The Cromwell has made it through the minefield and rendezvoused with Lessa Anara's ship. Her ship, badly damaged, was beyond repair and the Cromwell evacuated her crew and began working with the former CO to find a weakness in the Nal'gahari. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the Cromwell crew, changes are happening in the Nal'gaharay and things don't bode well for the DFA.

Volunteers have gone to Arramin II for scientific research. The planet, thought to be a dead planet, has revealed that there are at least small rodents wandering aorund. The previous civilization had built stone cities and chased the receeding waters from the continental beaches, onto the ocean floors and finally into the deepest chasms as the water receeded. A rock slide nearly killed one team making a descent into the chasm, the second team was trapped on the surface during an evening dust storm, while high overhead the shuttle, their only link with space, Red orbited until the storm could pass. They have survived their first day and most of the second out of contact with Cromwell. But cromwell is not due back for another day and a half. What scientific discoveries await the explorers? 

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