This was a month of mystery for the Cromwell crew. An away team to Arramin II found rocky ruins, and a desert, and deserted planet. But as they explored, life had found a way to survive. Between giant Guinea pigs, and old explorers, the place was not as lifeless as was expected. Between Rock slides, electrical storms, Base jumping and Pizza parties, complete with Kum-bay-yah singalongs, the crew managed to survive. All too soon the away team mission was recalled home for their scheduled rendevous with the Cromwell. The mystery of the cathedral would have to wait for the next away team mission. The away team shuttle was intercepted by assaulting Nal'gaharay. Spectacular flying and some well times shield changes crashed landed the away team back aboard Cromwell. It also also allowed emergency transport of a Starfleet engineer, who took advantage of the shields being down to escape the Nal'gaharay to come to Cromwell. (Welcome aboard our newest player!) It was time to turn the tables on the terrorists. DFA Marine forces led by Major Dejah crossed to a disabled Nal'gaharay ship and are fighting to capture the crew.
Shipboard we found a restless command crew, while the Cromwell scouted the Nalgaharay blackout sector. And those who don't dri8nk, got drunk, and those who don;t get drunk, got drunk for the first time...The command crew had too much time on their hands, and ghosts haunting their thoughts. With everyone lost in thier own thoughts, each was making decisions about their lives and their choices.
Paperwork must still be completed, even in a 25th century war zone. Lt. Col Dejah's promotion finally came through (Thanks to the Borderlands Council) A number of the DFA Fleet crew also recived promotions, congratulations to all.