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Jonathan Moore

Cromwell has wound up the successful xover with Devu II and the raid upon a True Way DUST facility. The Cromwell has been called to Starbase Pheonix by Governor Bateman for the hand over of the Cromwell (aka Warchief) back to the Federation as a peace offering to attempt to normalize relationship between the Federation and the DFA.

Whilst the crew have received and will follow orders to hand over the Cromwell there has been a ripple of surprise and disbelief. What the Cromwell stands for will life on in the hearts and minds of the crew, the spirit of resistance remains. The crew will shortly be transferring all personnel and equipment to the DFA John Murphy, which is currently docked a SB Pheonix and will transport the crew to Devu II where their new ship awaits. The DFA Cromwell B will be shortly commisioned.

Captain Dan Forrest has annouced he will be leaving the Cromwell for a post maybe on Devu, he will be accompanied by Samantha Carter. T'Paun the current CMO of the Cromwell will be leaving the ship also.

We are joined by Ensign Anun La'Steir, a Federation officer who has asked to join the DFA.


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