The month got off to a promising start for the Cromwell, as we lost some long standing players to the new embassy. Our posting numbers were a drop from last month,but overall were still very good, despite a few LOA's.
Cromwell continued the repairs and refit on Devu. The crew took some personal time, and out of nowhere HQ arranged a meeting between Cmndr. Leesa Anara and Lt. Riley Cassidy resulting in a new XO for Cromwell. The DFA recieved word of True Way activity along the Chetzian System borders.
Cromwell departed for the system, while the new XO had a meeting with key personnel to reveal the second reason for his arrival. A double agent is among the crew. With the return of the True Way and the revelation that one of our own is working as a spy for Drayden, the XO and Intel officers began an investigation of the crew.
Enroute, Cromwell encountered a debris field. With little debate, we procceded to recover and analyze the debris. Aside from a mishap involving our CSO, the recovery has been completed. A new Ambassador has arrived, and our MCO has discovered a few new toys in the cargo bay. Cromwell is now ready to resume our course.