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Jonathan Moore

The DFA Cromwell pulled a hat-trick, saving the Planet Faleron from total destruction while involved in a rescue operation. As the ship departs a promotion and awards ceremony is held, and the Ship's Morale Officer unveils that he has hidden Holo-emitters in the walls of the Lounge, The Marines see the Counselor, Security finds that one of it's officers is half Romulan, and Cardssians Allies are for=ced to babysit. All this while, almost unnoticed, some Falerions that were being evacuated begin to suffer an illness. The Doctor(s) will have to deal with this.

The Captain and Crew are now headed for Babylon Station for a little R&R, and maybe some questions will be asked and answered there. Maybe. Faleron marks the Second planet that the DFA has improved relations with this year. The Alliance grows, with Faleron declaring an interest in Alliance Membership. Although the civilization is pre-warp. The Alliance may hear their case.


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