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Jonathan Moore

Captain Stilwell's disciplinary hearing was suspended, thanks to incidents at Babylon Station. Terrorists who may be True Way...may be someone else (hey I'm not telling yet) set off bombs on the Promenade injuring some of the Cromwell crew. Counselor Tea'nara and Ambassador Tihany were among the injured, and our new Romulan pilot Vanier ably helped in dealing with the aftermath. With the Captain back in charge of the Cromwell, Admiral Forrest on board and legal help from Reynolds we should be able to find and deal with the terrorists....

Security Chief Anun La'Steir and the new doctor, Trela'dae, evaded their kidnappers and were rescued by Major Dejah, before her scoutship was hit by the bad guys. All three are hiding in a cave waiting for rescue. An unlikely rescue party consisting of Cardassians, Romulans and lead by Laro Magar has set off to rescue the three of them. Doctor Jameson was "borrowed" or abducted by the Cardassians to help in the rescue, leaving Dr. Harkness to deal with the fall-out from the Babylon attacks.

Braun continues to entertain or annoy, depending on your perspective (just kidding) and the XO Katiya would happily leave him on some very remote planet but keeps being outvoted by the crew. Athena is settling into Science, which should make life interesting. Lt. Masters is repairing the damage from Braun's borg drone 1337 (or n00b?), who seems to have settled into the Science department as well.

Rumor has it that the mayakka leader Galdan is involved in the attack on Babylon Station – so the reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated. Currently Babylon is locked down and in the hands of the Marines, while the attack is investigated. But who knows if the terrorists will strike again.....


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