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Jonathan Moore

The citizens of Babylon Station were once again shocked by a brutal act of terror when the main fountain in Babylon's arboretum turns into a spraying pool of blood. A body is discovered in the pool and it has be preliminarily identified as the body of a collaborator responsible for procuring explosives used in the previous attack. With no leads and the collaborator dead, the trail has gone cold for the DFA. 

The unfortunate trio stranded on the desert planet finally have a glimmer of hope as rescuers have located them and are about to all but beam them up. It has been a most soul-searching ordeal for the stranded Cromwell officers, and much drama was had by all. The unlikely alliance of DFA, Cardassian, and Romulan personnel have also accomplished a great deal in completing the mission. Does this herald a new era of cooperation and diplomacy for the DFA?

Finally, the Captain has contacted the not-so-grieved family of T'Kirrin (who is known on the Cromwell nowadays as 1337). In accordance with the wishes of the family, Captain Stilwell has ordered that the liberated Borg drone be deactivated and placed in the morgue. However, is there a trace of T'Kirrin that lingers yet in the body of the drone?


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