Captain Stilwell has finally regained consciousness to the relief of all on board, especially his daughter. Counselor Tea'nara and the wing commander Lieutenant Vanier share a romantic dinner in the holosuites in what looks to be the start of a beautful relationship. In a joint effort, MCO Major Trizcz and science officer Ensign Theophilus continue to work on Takar's people skills, which ended up in a friendly dinner in Ten Forward. In an interesting development, the security chief Lieutenant La'Steir has managed to rope Obsidian Order agent Mihal Takar into the sceurity department, hoping to use her skills in helping to keep Cromwell secure.
Finally, the activities and festivities are interrupted by a sudden transmission from DFA command. The USS Journeyman, a member of the Horizon defense fleet, is fleeing from rogue Cardassian vessels. The Cromwell is dispatched into battle once again, and all the crew immediately report to their battlestations...