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Jonathan Moore

Cromwell is still currently at Babylon station investigating a strain of disease that has killed a large portion of the station's crew below the command deck. There is currently an away team being sent to Babylon as well as one going to the Journeyman searching for the key that will allow a cure for this disease.

True to life, some people are too stupid to follow orders, and the ferengi are always there to capitalize on the situation. While Vanier was out chasing in some escaping people from the station, a ferengi vessel swooped in to "save the day" beaming all the escapees (and Vanier) off their respective vessels. After a short battle with the ferengis onboard the marine was trapped in the brig awaiting either sale to the highest bidder or a skillful maneuver by the crew of the Cromwell.

Meanwhile love is in bloom in the security department as Takar and Broque explore their feelings for each other (much to the telepathic CoS' displeasure) in the security suite. The geek-love seems to be going strong as Braun and Priscilla meet for coffee the morning after their dinner-date, complete with Sera's humiliation and the hiring of Larissa S as the bar's new waitress.

In the brig the relationship between the traitorous changeling and the undercover doctor seems to have reached a head. With the doctor's life on the line.


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