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Jonathan Moore

Cromwell has been answering to a disease aboard the Babylon station. A large portion of the station's population below the command deck have been infected and are dying, causing the Cromwell to have to take control of the station until the disease can be cured and station operations recommence. Engineering is currently working with the survivors of the station's engineering department to keep the station running. Science, Medical and Security are searching the U.S.S. Journeyman, a Federation ship that was the original plague carrier, hoping to find an answer to the mystery of what the plague is. Meanwhile away from the station the Marines are dealing with the issue of some escapees from the quarantine. Korm and Berik, the brothers controlling a Ferengi Freighter that beamed survivors up under the noses of DFA marines have been detained by the skillful Major Dejah and the escapees have been retaken. Vanier has also been recovered from the Ferengi vessel.


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