Starting with the big news, this is the best month Cromwell has ever had in her history. Busting out 330 posts in a single month, there is no way I can cover everything that has happened to her since the last report. Out of character there have been some slowdowns and kerfuffles that seem not to have affected posting numbers much at all, and have apparently been sorted out.
In character the plot is beginning nicely with Anun leading his away team through training simulation after training simulation in preparation for the real thing - rescue of an unknown species on the surface of a Y-class planet. A planet that apparently, according to the mental scan preformed by Major Dejah, contains a consciousness that covers the entire planet's surface. Meanwhile Tirol is dealing with the necessity to have an acting XO while Katiya is being held in medical for the personality changes she was exhibiting under the effects of Lieutenant Braun's nanoprobes. Anun was chosen - against his will - to replace Katiya in the short term but the question still remains whether Erin Katiya will be returned to active service or held under court marshal.
We've also had a number of side-plots including the return of Doctor Dae, what would happen to Anun's son Lancelot if something happened to Anun and/or Dae, and Laro generally being helpful in her own unique way.