There is the wrap up of a murder investigation which has gone to trial. The positions are being hotly contested, and the trial has not even begun! The Pre-trial hearings are beginning, intended to prove there is sufficient evidence to bring this officer to trial, and that Cromwell-B can be impartial in judging one of their own, accused of murdering another of their own crew. Within the crew, the devotion between crewmates continues. Nearly everyone has been impacted by the Cromwell leaving one of their own behind on a rough away mission. And those that weren't, either have no feelings, or weren't around to care.
The ship is beginning to function on it new intended mission, seek out Nal'garhay bases and destroy them. The preparations and planning are underway. Marines, Security, science, operations all are bringing their expertise together to find the best solutions to the investigations and explorations, and stop the terrorists form their continued hostilities.
Numerous threads are weaving, and as one becomes unravelled, new hidden mysteries are appearing. Investigations have turned up unexpected leads taking the ships and its intelligence teams in unexpected directions from unrelated findings. Cromwell is becoming a mobile transfer station and halfway house for wayward individuals. Some are good, such as the Combat Surgeon rescued from a starfleet runabout, who has since joined the DFA academy for orientation training in hopes of working with DFA forces. Good Luck Dr. Janz. Others are unknown, and are only now uncovering a tangled plot of deception on deception with agents thought killed, resurfacing in debris fields with implanted romulan memories. Welcome Lt Reynolds, our newest Marine intelligence officer. Still others have a self described neferious past, and are certain to bring conflict to the crew despite their need of his skills and knowledge, welcome Mr Torr, a trill with lifetimes of mysteries.
Indeed, the preparations are well underway for dealing with the terrorists, with security running training sessions. The terrorists ae not allowing time though, and unfortunate encounter with a placed graviton mine interrupted the Cromwell on its patrol, and precipitated an actual incursion onto the Cromwell. Security teams were successful in locking down the ship, and even saving the ship from a warp core breach. The terrorists are not allowing the Cromwell crew time to regroup or train, and are even now pressing home the attack aboard the ship. The ever elusive Nal'garhay have not been trapped and are still at large aboard the Cromwell as this month's summary closes.