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Jonathan Moore

The trial was hotly contested. There is innuendo and concerns of loyalty and duty on both sides of the trial. The trial is becoming divisive for the crew. There is a motion for Jorge Harrisburg to be released from the brig, pending the official trial. The crew has concerns, which may be legitimate, if Jorge did as he was accused of, murder. This will be settle soon. Ensign Harrisburg is about to take the stand. JAG, Chief of Security, XO, and even the Captain are involved as well as additional security personnel and witnesses. There may be that many, if not more, opinions of this case as there are players. 

The ship is beginning to function on it new intended mission, seek out Nal'garhay bases and destroy them. The preparations and planning are well underway. Marines, Security, science, operations all are bringing their expertise together to find the best solutions to the investigations and explorations, and stop the terrorists form their continued hostilities. Engineering has been able to create a graviton bomb, but the ethical questions of it's use, or any indiscriminate explosives use, is being debated. If there is renewed Nal'gararay aggression, the point may no longer be debated. The search teams including engineering, Marine forces and intelligence have discovered a ship that is assisting in a blackout of a large portion of a sector of DFA space. They are attempting to carefully figure out exactly what is being hidden. 

Cromwell's newest Marine Intelligence officer has been instrumental in his assistance for this discover. Marine Major Dejah's piloting has led them to the interesting discoveries of "blackout' ships supressing nearly a secotr of space, for what end?. Cromwell regrets to announce the death of a security officer, and by his own hand. Kras, a most unique (and well played) Ferengi managed to pull off a suicide while in the Brig. On the other hand, He shot his own crewmate during a security drill. This set off a serious look at the crew, and their stance of suicide. Heighten awareness, and considerations has made some characters feel oppressed, and others feel vindicated. The dark exploration of this topic has been charged. 

Intelligence and Security are falling over each other in duties, which has prompted the captain to add additional duties to each, until such a time they can decide which department manages which tasks. Holodeck programming is assisting in presenting scenarios where the two department work together to draw the lines. They are currently dealing with a diplomatic escort aboard the ship. 

Lastly, a minor mystery is beginning aboard the Cromwell, with potential ramifications with the Romulan empire. Are the propaganda being covertly sent from DFA space to the Romulan Empire a minor issue of Internal Romulan dissent, or will this cause larger problems for the crew of the Cromwell?


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