Jorge Harrisburg, accused murderer and on trial for killing the previous COO of the DFA Cromwell, escaped with the help of a refit Talaxian Battle cruiser. Cloaking technology, rare in the delta quadrant, was evidently aquired by someone with interest in abducting or rescuing Jorge and placed on the talaxian refit ship. And they turn out not to be friendly. It is clear by the end of the conversations, and hostile actions of the ship, The Nal'gaharay are behind this rescue of Jorge, the blackout sector, and ready to kill with outlawed weaponry. Dropping of chroniton mines was detected. A detachable Deflector dish provided sensor blackout to the Cromwell's sensors, leaving her blind and unable to destory the mines they knew were floating nearby. Knowing that Krenim made choniton torpedoes would go out of phase to penetrate sheilds, Cromwell was immobilized. Any contact with the mines would cause a fatal detonation. The crew worked hard from multiple angles to escape this trap. Snipers picked off mines close to the ship before they drifted into the Cromwell. Marine fighters spent hours clearing a channel for a shuttle with an engineering EVA team to get to the deflector dish. Finding that the detached deflector was booby trapped for either feedback if shut down, or destroyed by phaser fire, the danger was of a warp core overload even at that range would incapacitate the Cromwell. Engineering determined its gyros were vulnerable and fed false information causing it to turn away from the Cromwell. Cromwell now has sensors back online and is beginning to chart a pathway out of the minefield, time to turn the tables on the Nal'gaharay.
Meanwhile nearby in the blackouted sector, vigilantes, or patriots, from Capenella assaulted one of the terrorists blackout ships, finding significant intellegence on the ships and their deployment. Bad timing caused an encounter with the same Terrorist crewed Talaxian Battle Cruiser. Without a resident expert on Krenim weaponry, the assault frigate was incapacitated when the terrorists deployed the remainder of their mines. The Marines from Cromwell, in pursuit of that same terrorist Talaxian Battle Crusier have just made contact with the assault frigate, is it in time to rescue the crew? Will Cromwell be able to get out of the minefield in time to make it to assist?
Aboard Cromwell, crew backgrounds are beginning to have play, it seems there are a number of secrets that are slowly being uncovered. Suspicions rise as more and more evidence points to a romulan underground, possibly operating from Cromwell herself? Cromwell crew are trying to shut it down before the DFA is brought into uncomfortable questions from the Romulan Star Empire.