The DFA continues to tightens its command control over Cromwell, demanding 'by all means necessary', to find the Nal'Gaharay base. With a deadline looming before Fleet command comes in to take over the intel and questioning of the prisoners, the First officer calls an emergency meeting of the various parties trying to solve the terrorist problem. With each investigative group revealing their own secrets, the big picture fell into view. The looming deadline of 20 hours, the first officer sent the crew on a clandestine mission for confirmation, and is working to stall DFA command.
Deep in the center of the blackout sector, Black Sparrow, the covert Marine reconnaissance ship is investigating a Krenim "Time Gate" that was suppose to be deactivated centuries ago. Is this the technology the Nal'Gaharay ships are using?
New mysteries develop aboard Cromwell as soon as the intel mission is sent away. A new crew member beams aboard, minus her luggage and her memories, and lands herself in the middle of a medical mystery of a dead Nal'gaharay prisoner.
This was suppose to be Rest and Relaxation over Capanella for Cromwell, but with intel, security and Marine officers being recalled, their time is cut short. Still, time was found for camping, a trip to the DFA history museum, and even little budding romances, the most curious are the Hitchikers who have become smitten with our CMO.
The Holodecks are busy and becoming crowded. A festival was thrown and well attended, and pretty much everyone's use of the holodeck involved unintended visitors into their own holoplays. Beside the Bajoran festival, Escaped Iguanas from an engineering lab, and a viking raid, there was brutal combat, and Col Dejah in a chainmail Bikini... how many are beginning to think that is her preferred uniform?
Stay tuned. June promises to be volatile.