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Devon Alexander

It has been a month of bloody battles, and life and death for the crew

of Cromwell. Having found the Nal'Gaharay command base, a full on

assault was launched by the DFA fleet. But the Nal'G did not go

quietly. Using every underhanded trick they had in the past, and

bringing out the new ones they were working on, they put the DFA on

alert, this would not be easy.

Captain Tirol has gone to the planet to place the graviton bomb, if

the marines cannot take and hold the planet. It would create a

gravimetic hole in space that would have to be travelled around for

years if deployed.

Marines Forces met hard resistance, and fought them off, taking the

city. Security forces swept in behind to hold captured areas, but

found themselves also being counter attacked by Nal'G dependants and

fighters, Prisoners of War who were infected with a virus specific to

alpha quadrant species, even the hounds of hell came out to tear

marines limb from limb. In Space Nal'G Battleships attacked against

orders, as shuttles and transports fled the planet, and there was a

steady stream of Nal'G DQ species heading to the transportation

center, even after shuttle flights seemingly were finally cut off by

the DFA fleet above.

And the battle was not just limited to striaght up fighting, and

guerilla warefare. The Alpha Virus was released within the POW

population to infect the DFA fleet as they were "rescued." The Alpha

Virus has been discovered within injured and rescued DFA Marines and

POWs within the fleet now. Can the Medical teams isolate a cure for

it? Dr Bessie Andrews and team are invading the R&D facility in

attempts to find the root cuase of the virus and turn it around.

An old grudge has finally been settled. Qas, a protegy of the Krenim

Intel officer Banor, was masterminding the unconventional warefare for

the Nal'G. Biowarfare, chemical attacks, Terrorist bombings,

hijacking shuttles and transports, were all part of Qas' plan of

attack. And all designed to draw out, and defeat the DFA fleet.

While parts of his plan were uindermined by radical actions by the

terrorist for failing to follow his instructions completely, the plan

has come to culimation. All this was deisgned to allow the Nal'G to

attack Babylon station, and then take the DFA fleet ships, one by one

as they attempt to come to the rescue of the DFA Command on the

station. Qas made three mistakes that day, and his final mistake cost

him his life in hand to hand battle with Banor. Will his plans live


Steadfast loyalty seemed to be the theme this month, although many may

not have conciously recognized that was occuring. It may be

unfortunate that it take battle to forge the bonds of trust, but they

were completely evident to any who took one step back to watch. Duty

and Loyalty to the DFA from Commander MarQ, to right what was wrong,

from one of his own. Loyalty of not leaving anyone behind by Captain

(brevet) Reynolds for who no door, wall or airduct was too tight to

pursue through. Col Dejah leading the fight to the heart, and still

finding it in her own heart to help other telepaths inprisoned by the

Nal'G. Medical teams led by Dr Andrews saving so many that would have

died, by fearlessly going to the battle front for trauma surgery, and

risking her own life and her friends and families lives to save alpha

quadrant species caught up in the Nal'G webs. Aboard Cromwell, Dr

Afvillhei, was willing to step up, and place restrictions on the crew

once the virus was detected aboard Cromwell and other ships, in the

midst of battle.

Will this all be for naught? Commander Sheldon's loyalty to Admiral

Fairchilde has taken Cromwell out of the battle over the Desert Planet

on an emergency rescue of the DFA Command staff on Babylon. Will her

choice of loyalties allow the Nal'G to escape? Or has she played

right into Qas' plans? Hold on for the conclusion!


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