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Devon Alexander

The Nal'gahary have been broken up within the DFA region.  Whether this is better, or just a new problem created is yet to be seen.  But for the moment, there are no direct threats on the forseeable horizon, but the DFA will have to be vigilant.  Broken, to the Nal'G may not mean destroyed.

Following the attack on the Desert Nal'Gahahry base, another brutal battle was fought on Babylon.  An attempt by the Nal'G to capture the Command Codes of the DFA ships from the facility computers was thwarted.  The defenses were multiple, from the Security team lead by Lt. Martis to defend the computer core, to unexpected and unlikely allies in Klingons, brought by the surprise re-appearance of Lt. Cmdr Sesgaard, to Duplication, and even triplication of defenders with holographic copies.  In blind faith the Nal'G attacked, and the marines, led by Col Dejah and Captain Reynolds caught them in a death vise.

Admiral Fairchilde, who led the campaign against the Nal'g was critically injured, and succumbed to wounds obtained during the battle.  Commander Sheldon has resigned from the Cromwell, and the DFA to attend to the Admirals last wishes.  This may have been a boon to Cromwell.  Fairchilde and Sheldon were staunch Starfleeters, despite being within the DFA.  Will their passing change the direction the DFA Starfleet diplomatic dance is heading?

While Cromwell Crew assists in the recovery on Babylon, Word comes from DFA Command that Tirol is moving to assist new Admirals on DFA Command to help rebuild the fleet as a strong DFA centered fleet.  The move ends the long command of Cromwell by Tirol.  If ii were a democracy, Sheldon was not going to survive the Cromwell election.  Command was turned over to Sesgaard, who was immediately dispatched to Devu. 

Others are turning over new leaves.  Lt. Martis has to face the transfer of her boyfriend Tirol.  Trenn, and ex-Marine, who wanted to make a more peaceful entrance and positive difference, ended up in the middle of the pitched battle assisting the Security team on Babylon, A rough start for our newest counselor on board.  He fit in well though, showing up to the Security Poker gamenight, and being invited to sit in with the exclusive club.  His next big step will be to meet the new XO, and his boss in the counselors office, t'Kheall, the Romulan exchange officer.  With Trenns negative background with Romulans, the meeting will be interesting to say the least.

As the month draws to a close, Cromwell sets sail for Devu for refit with additional science labs, and repairs at the Dakkus shipyards that help design and build her for the DFA.  A hint of another cross over appears in the form of good news; Cromwell's Andorian Tactical officer's sister escaped from slavery (from the Rihannsu (Romulans)).  There are now two Andorians aboard with reason for bad blood with the Rihannsu. What repercussion will this bring?  Or will the DFA officers be able to walk the talk the DFA say they bring?


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