The Titanic is afloat, and now has a long and storied history. Having succeeded in preventing the Titanic disaster, the crew are returned to Comrwell-B. But have they really succeeded? Q says he is calling a truce over Christmas.
A rouge, although benign program, is on the holodeck. Set in 1800's Dicken's time, the crew jumps into the annual Christmas event to once again, enjoying the time together.
With the turn of the year, the crew finds overtures by the Romulan government...disconcerting. In addition to the bodyguards supplied tot he Romulan Exchange officer XO, a dozen slaves were placed on loan.
Cromwell Crew is not appreciative of the gesture and a few select gestures and words are being whispered in the back corridors. How will Cromwell deal with the issue without sending the DFA into interstellar war with the RSE?