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Devon Alexander

The DFA Cromwell-B continues to escort the Space Jellyfish through DFA territory.  And the RSE is upping the ante in the border games they play with the DFA.  In addition to the Bodyguards provided to the XO exchange officer, they have now sent a dozen slaves to work for the crew as long as the XO is aboard Cromwell.

The crew does not handle this well.  They are outraged on many levels, but seem uncertain how to proceed.  Flat out freeing them is tempting the Romulans to attack.  Returning them, either now or later is abhorrant.  The crew is struggling to reach a reasonable solution to an unreasonable situation...and they may have done so with the planned purchase of the slaves from the Romulans themselves, If they can find them.

There may be more to the story than simple arrogance from the Romulans.  Covert attacks from unverified assailants  have occurred on the Cromwell task force.  And they were from Romulan designed, but unmarked fighters.  Intelligence aboard Cromwell is working to confirm who they were.

Injuries and command decisions have placed Marines aboard a passenger transport,  the DFA Roger Aster and Col Dejah back into the captain's seat.  Lt Sheval is also having a chance at command aboard the damaged DFA Persian.

Meanwhile Col. Dejah is looking for Waldo, and his many brainwaves.  She has become allies with none other than the EMH in this venture.  Lt. Martis questions the sanity of Captain Sesgaard.

Coming soon: The Crew's decisions and how it affects their world.


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