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Devon Alexander

The Slaves aboard Cromwell are challenging the crew.  What to do, and how to deal with them.  The slaves for their part are trying to figure out how to respond without angering the masters.  Do they see the Cromwell crew or the Rihannsu as their masters though?

Plasma conduit 'accidents' are becoming a frequent theme is engineering.  Of the Cromwell task force, only the DFA Isengaard and DFA Cromwell have escaped plasma conduit errors;  errors that first year cadets know not to make, but are being made on a too regular basis.

Mysterious Communications signals have been sent from within Cromwell, and other messages intercepted by the DFA Colt.  Intel is working to decode the messages, and Security is performing a sweep of Engineering, the location of the signal origin.  Everyone has been rounded up and the 'bad cop'  questioning is commencing.

The First Plasma Conduit victim to survive remains in medically induced coma in Cromwell's sickbay.  Waldo Wilson, Engineering tech had three Aenar telepathic brainwaves identified within his brain.  Col. Dejah is receiving hourly reports from the EMH while she investigates the Aenar from Cromwell.  Two transferred to DFA Persian, one of which was a slave child, originally forced to extend his telepathy by the Tal Shiar for unknown uses.  Could his brain waves be one of the three in Waldo's brain?  And where in the Cromwell task force would be the third?

Colonel Dejahs Telepathic abilities are proving a boon to the task force this month.  Settling Slave concerns, looking into Waldo's brain, Slave Aenar and eavesdropping on DFA ship captains, intelligence is getting a boost of information from previously untapped resources.

Coming Next Month:  Confrontations


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