Stardate 2414.12 Location PLanet Azara Our search for Dr Graham, the missing scientist on the planet Azara, was derailed while we went searching for one of our own, who failed to beam into the right location. Sending out the Marines, also proved fruitless, as he too soon became missing in action. Like the rats in the maze, we finally sorted out who was searching for whom and slowly are beginning to link up again. On a good note, we have overcome some communications problems with a series of relays, delayed message transmissions, and if all goes well, a shuttle providing real time satellite transmission in a geosynchronous orbit. The Azarans are slowly becoming understandable, although, like most cultures, they have some unique traits. Trading is culturally important, and the crew has begun trading small items for junk with the Azarans. Hopefully Lt. Martis will arrive soon with more trading items. Our goal is to get into the bigger city next this month and search further for the lost researcher. So far, nothing seems least so far.
Devon Alexander