Our Story so far: Cromwell has sent an away team disguised as local Azarans to locate and bring back Dr Graham, a preeminent researcher who disappeared while doing research on the rapid technology advancements of the Azarans. The Azarans, a rodent like sentient species has rapidly evolved into the industrial age over a very short time period.
There is a discrepancy between what the crew is learning and what they are seeing. Warren, the undercity below the Boneyard, is well kept, well lit, and comfortable. People, who reportedly get lost here and never return, seem calm and comfortable. The away team is heading into Warren, to find Pasum's son, who ran away into the undercity. Pasum has warned the away team, those that venture into Warren do not return.
A street prophet has also issued dire warnings. The priests have placed themselves above the people, and no longer follow the edicts of the gods. Where once they served the people and the gods, now they are the 'formen' (as the universal translator finally settled on) of the city.
Even the Boneyard from the research reports is not present as described. Gangs, pickpockets, people struggling to eek out an existence are just not present. Which is even more curious than the absence of any obvious leadership of the Boneyard, nor of security forces. Trouble makers just "disappear". The Mystery of why Dr Graham disappeared is no closer to resolution.
In Warren, they are met with technology two or three generations more advanced from the surface. Fast moving subway trains are moving people and materials around. There is an aesthetic improvement with the architecture. Mining technology seems very advanced for the age, enough so it is utilized for building materials. The priests are generous with food and drink and advice.
The away team decides to follow the pilgrims up the 1000 steps to the surface, where the first of the old temples lie. Perhaps the temples will reveal the secrets of Azara. The final temple to the stars is 3000 steps beyond that. What will lie as the away team explores?