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Devon Alexander

Lolani, an Orion Slave Girl, is creating concern aboard Cromwell.  Is she a precuser to an invasion?  An assassin hired to disrupt the crew?  Who exactly is she working for?  The Cromwell crew is suspicious of her, and her story.  No one is willing to believe her at face value.  Her inconsistencies in her story do not help her position.

Michael has gone back and investigated the Kazon shuttle on which she was found.  It looks like only two of the Kazon were killed by weapons fire, the third, while hit, was killed with a knife matching the one Lolani came aboard Cromwell carrying.

Just as the crew is getting a hold on their position on Lolani and her imminent return to her slave master, Lolani attempts an escape and put under house arrest.  Her slave master arrives, sent by DFA Command to pick her up.

Part Orion - Part Romulan, this jovial fellow challenges the crews perceptions and position as they enjoy a reception, and then dinner.  

Will anyone make is past the second course?  Stay tuned.


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