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Devon Alexander

Cromwell is returning to Chetzia, home of the DFA Academy.  There, Commander Reynolds will gather together a new class of cadets for their cadet cruise.  But first, we said goodbye to a number of our previous cadets, some of which moved to other Duty Stations.  Ariana is off to Hope One Dyson Sphere and Covaar is off to the Discovery.  Both Officers are expected and hoped to be good examples of DFA officers as they perform their exchange officer duties.

Jinx, Cromwell's chief engineer, is set to provide a lecture at the DFA engineering symposium,  So Far, only the Ferengi have responded to the open invitation to attend.  But as most expect, the Ferengi are more likely interested in the "Black Market", where engineers exchange and buy and sell ideas in the back rooms of the conference.  

There is a growing suspicion within the DFA, and the Cromwell crew specifically, of treason with DFA Commanders maneuvering to position the DFA into a position where they can be absorbed peacefully into Starfleet.  Given Phoenix's recent overt conflicts between Starfleet and the DFA, and surprisingly strong support of the Romulan position on returning the slave Lolani, it does not seem out of the realm of possibility.  Intelligence officer Banor is assisting Jinx in this investigation.

A case of Sudden inspiration or cold feet?  The First officer is taking some personal time to return to ch'Rihan to perform some investigations of her own.  So far foiled, Nevala is nothing if persistent.  Or is it difficulty considering Michael's offer of marriage?


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