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Devon Alexander

Captain's Personal Log:   <Begin recording>  The Christmas program reactivated again this year.  The apprehension I felt that it would fail was not warranted, and it did not fail to deliver again this year.  We ended up in the Canadian Rockies of old Earth in an old Log Hotel, the likes the old train lines from earth would build.  Most striking was the tree, with an unlit star floating above the top.  The crew puzzled out that it was the north Star, a guiding star Polaris, visible form earth.  Interestingly, Polaris is actually three stars.  We took the Cromwell out of orbit, and reoriented the star to fit the Holodeck star pattern to put Polaris into the correct setting, and the Star lit dimly.  Additional crew, whom I dubbed Team Popcorn, for their raining down of popcorn down on us from the upper levels from trying to hit the star, discovered the gravity void surrounding the star.  Brutally efficient, yet elegant in thought, Six began destroying the ballistrades on the upper level which housed the power source for the force fields for the star's void.  Removing them from the equation, and the Star was lit and topped the tree.

We had a number of guests this Christmas.  The program seemed to separate the arrivals with civilians arriving in the town and crew arriving in the lodge.  In addition to Six, who now calls herself Cromwell's Drone, we had Magnus, Seranin and Anna, three Borg transwarp scientists.  They, unfortunately had a previously poor encounter with the Borg, but were rescued by our newest engineer to join Cromwell, Ensign Nerik.  Their encounter with the borg, predisposed them into thinking Six was taking over Cromwell, so they ambushed her, believing she had assimilated Nerik.  Luckily Nerik was present to foil the scientists attack on Six, by taking out the older scientists knee in the process.  A hobbling Angus and wife Seranin finally arrived after the star was lit.

The lighting of the star also lit the way for Santa again this year.  Many gifts were distributed, including a ficus for our new crewmen including Six, Nerik in Engineering, Lochlan Monroe on Helm and Navigation, Ensign Dribu in Veterinary sciences, and El, who finally arrived after Brinn went to retrieve her from her quarters. 

Santa arrived dispensing presents and advice.  Six got a regeneration chamber, Thorn got a medical service dog, Michael and Cully got Whiskey, but different flavors, as if that meant something to them.  I will admit, the attraction to whiskey is still lost on me.  Crewman Lini got her own medical tricorder, El got a bathrobe and brushes for her fur, Kamaia got schematics for a Bajoran Lightship and Navigation maps from Voyager, Ensign Dribu's lost notes were found, Ensign Nerik received his first PTB and Ensign Monroe got a holocube with flight training with the experts.

Six quickly gave away presents, and seemed to enjoy the party, darting between various groups throughout the evening.  Later that evening as others exchanged gifts as well, Brinn gave away stuff animals.  For Six a Crocodile, El got a Husky dog and Rose Snow Leopard.  Seeing as Santa gave Thorn a dog, we will have to see how the two interact.  Brinn received a gift of Slave reintegration techniques from Thorn, and How to Woo a Woman in 70 days from El.  Are Brinn's girls trying to tell him something?  Does he even get it?

One of the best present I received was the return of crew for new tours of Duty.  Dr Adair-Lovett and Lt Sheval ch'Kayag both returned.  I missed having any in depth discussions as I caught them leading our Helmsman out of the program late in the evening; Something about peeing on a snowman and Rudolph.  Lt Shaouli in engineering also returned, nor have I had a chance to catch up with her either.  Perhaps my biggest surprise was Lt Martis, whom was on leave from command training, and was a fitting way to end the evening dancing with her, the one who greeted me to Cromwell, and set me down the journey to now, and gave me a hard time along the entire journey.  I owe so much to her.

For all the trouble the program gave me, I finally was able to teach the program how to make a decent French 75.  I did not dance as much as I would have liked, but dancing with Ensign Pania was, um, memorable.

Our entire downtime was not taken up by the Christmas program, although that was the majority of it.  The crew of Cromwell has been informed of Six of Twelves inclusion into the crew.  After a reserved and hesitant staff meeting, we managed to set up safety protocols that should prevent Six from returning to the Borg before we are ready for her to do so, and to protect the Cromwell crew from assimilation.

We also returned Borg tech to the Borg.  My main reason was to throw the Borg off to the fact that we have Six of Twelve.  The Borg aboard the Borg Probe that Ensign Nerik destroyed while rescuing the transwarp scientists were likely looking for the Borg scout ship that Cromwell destroyed over RAK.  The Borg Ensign Nerik encountered self destructed their ship.  By returning the tech from both locations, the Borg will draw the conclusion all recoverable tech has been returned and we resisted.  They will not be looking for Six.  We do however have two cortical nodes for examination.  Ensign Pania and Major Reynolds have discovered the cortical nodes have a "Shelf Life", which may explain why the borg seek to recover them quickly after a drone is deactivated.  Ours are "dead" now, although Ensign Pania says the ones we had were still active when Six and she recovered them.  I am not sure how much more data we will get from them, but we have definitely discovered something new.

In an effort to integrate Six into Cromwell better, I have assigned her to a busboy position in Ten Forward.  Ensign Pania also suggested giving Six music to listen to and to learn to play the Vulcan Lyre.  A contest was held among the crew for music suggested to six to listen to.  'Six's Playlist' was thus created, and had varied and appropriate music as varied the crew.  <Pause recording>

<Begin recording>  Lastly, we morn for the crew we lost this year.  To those who have given all, or have moved on to new rotations and new tours of duty off Cromwell.  I miss Jinx, and Kaylan, and have resisted naming a new XO.  DFA Command no longer accepts my delay and is assigning one to Cromwell.  We will find out who in the new year.

<End recording>


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