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Devon Alexander

Captain's Personal Log: <Begin recording>

Loch Monroe, Jack West, and Michael Reynolds have returned from their away mission on the planet the

Romulans are keeping shrouded. It was a close and dangerous thing. The Romulans had captured them

when West and Reynolds went to assist the locals after an earthquake which injured one of the Pangeareans.

As the Shuttle, on the medical emergency, was returning to S'Task, Loch managed to beam the two intel

officers out and get safely home and unspotted against all odds. Loch did not seem surprised by the luck,

since his luck had changed for the better while the intel officers were on the planet and were away. He played

several games of Solitaire without losing, and complex ball bouncing seemed an art form for him. His luck

seems to have run out after the Romulan extraction though. Note to self, invite him to Poker night.

Commander Bill Kocps has been revived by Dr. Clark, and seems to be adjusting well to the new century. Bill

has graciously volunteered to join up and help out Cromwell. Six is pleased that he complimented her implants

and seems fearless of her. A refreshing approach to the Borg. I hope the Romulans respond 1% as well.

Thorn has made some passing acquaintance with her opposite number on S'Task. I hope we can develop that

as a way to open a line of open communications with the Romulans. The Secret meeting with the Romulan

Riov tr'Aryn worked out better than I had expected.

With the entire crew back aboard Cromwell, a general staff meeting is held. Six is made a Crewman (recruit).

Jack West and David Clark are each promoted to Lt (jg). Additionally, Dr Clark is made Chief Medical Officer,

no longer acting. He has deserved this promotion. Colonel Reynolds is being morose, I've asked West to look

into it, make sure that Michael is keeping his priorities straight. If West comes up with nothing, I may have to

send Ensign Vedek Wishi after him. I need him at 100% for the coming operations.

We are attempting to perform a cooperative venture with the Romulans over the planet Pangeare. They are

building a space station that will be capable of opening a hole in the ionized atmosphere, allowing shuttle to

pass through safely. They are in need of supplies and support. Lt Petalosa has been assigned the task of first

close contact, and a new away team has been formed of Colonel Reynolds, Lt. Jack West, Dr Clark, Lini

Cer'dan and Six.

This next month will find us working closely with the Romulans as the station construction gets underway. We

have already ordered up some basic structural materials to build the infrastructure. The Romulans have been

getting regular supply runs from home, but they seem limited. In exchange for helping and supplies, S'Task will

be transferring her Slaves to Cromwell. A ship will meet us, and Transport them to the Stellar Tradewinds

Slave repatriation facility.

I keep returning to a comment made by the Riov of S'Task at our secret meeting; if things should go badly, he

wants me to take his daughter into protection. This both reassures me Cromwell does not face impending

capture, but the venture is definitely on thin ice, I do not know how thin or dangerous this can be though.

<End recording>

Meanwhile: DFA Academy Cadets: How Codey has been escaping has been finally figured out. An

experimental micro wormhole transporter in a lab was being used to beam him out of the cage and into

sensitive locations. Paige Connar and Tas, and the rest of the Delta Six Team work out who is doing this, and

of course, why. They have stumbled upon a Starfleet operation meant to discredit the academy. The Team is

split up and sent out on their senior year to separate ships for their protection, while others are looking into how

deep this infiltration and discrediting operation goes.

Fleet Captain Carson Sesgaard

Commanding Officer

DFA Cromwell-B


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