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2420.06 - 2420.08

Devon Alexander

<Begin Log> <Six of Twelve> <2420.06> The away team had been out of contact for longer than the protocol for reporting in requires so a second away team was sent to retrieve their status and recover the first team if they were damaged. The second away team consisted of Commander Martis, Major MarQ, Crewman Cer'dan, Lt Tas, Crewman Goch, Lt Greene, Lt Harris and Lt Norris. They transported to the planet's service and went down the same chasm the first team had entered. We lost contact then. 

<Data from Lt Tas> When we got to the surface, we came to the hole that the first away team had entered. I nearly slipped into it but Martis caught me. We made it down the chasm without any problems but when we got down there, the Ice chunck started to fall from the walls. There were a lot of minor injuries, including a scratch to DJ's face, my cheek and Martis' head but the biggest problem was Goch: he was stuck. Crewman Goch had been trapped by a huge chunk of fallen ice. Martis, DJ and the marines managed to get him out and, to my surprise, he was a little shaken but uninjured. The ice had not hit his leg, it had just stopped him from moving. We found a large metal door and Goch pulled it open. He nearly became a Goch-Sandwich but Fletcher jumped in just in time to get him out of the way. Poor guy wasn't having much luck. When we got into the colony we met a group of people from a race called the Ort. Lini had disappeared but was still within comm-range. Wells and one of the Ort went after her while the rest of the group followed the Ort to their Community Centre. There was a buffet spread out for us when we got there and the Ort seemed very hospitable, curious to learn about us and happy to share about themselves.<End of data from Lt Tas>

Captain Sesgaard told Six of Twelve to release Brinn from the brig. We had finished searching for nothing. Brinn has been assigned a function in Ten Forward. Six of Twelve took him there and provided updates. We told him that we had traveled 5000 years into the past and that we were in orbit of a planet in the system of an unstable star. We then informed him that he must bring order to Ten Forward because the replicators are offline. Brinn was efficient. He instructed Four of Seven and Six of Twelve to clear the tables and we began designating units. Their designations were called when tables became available. Six of Twelve had to leave because it was required on the bridge. 

The away team had not reported in 2 hours and 4 seconds so Captain Sesgaard and Six of Twelve went to Ortus III to investigate. We climbed down the chasm and found blood from Species 5618 and Species 180 in trace amounts. Major MarQ then contacted Six of Twelve through our neural link and provided an update. Both away teams were in the community centre in a colony beyond the metal door. We found the away teams, minus Crewman Cer'dan and Petty Officer Wells. Goch had been damaged by a fruit but Dr Clark had repaired him. The damage was caused by an 'allergic reaction'. Dr Clark said this is similar to when Six of Twelve drank wine. Individuals suffer unique reactions to environmental toxins, even amongst the same species and they do not adapt to them in the same way the Borg do. We learned that the source of the blood was the away teams being damaged in an accident at the bottom of the chasm. Six of Twelve and Lt Harris were sent to locate Crewman Cer'dan and Crewman Wells. We found their signals at an assimilation ceremony of some description. It is called a 'linking' ceremony.<End Log>

<Begin Log><Sixof Twelve><2420.07-2420.08>

After all of Cromwell's away teams had been brought back together, we split them again. There were two other active colonies on Ortus III to explore. Commander Martis, Lt Greene, Lt Tas, Ensign Mallory, Ensign Themoi and Ensign Radkene proceeded to the closest of the two colonies designated 'Colony-2'. Details from Colony 2 are as follows:

<Data From Ensign Tas>

We arrived at Colony 2 to find a similar metal door to the one on C7. Unlike on C7 though, we didn't have to climb down a chasm to get in. We were greeted by a man named Soerec who appeared to be suffering from symptoms of dehydration and heat stroke. When we entered the colony we found out why. The temperature in there was over 55 degrees Celsius and rising.  The problem turned out to be a heat valve which was stuck open. The colonists had been afraid of the valve freezing over so had left it open to allow enough heat in to thaw the ice and stop the colony from freezing. Unfortunatly, the underground room where the valve was became so hot that no one could get back in to close the valve afterwards which meant instead of freezing to death, the colony was now slowly cooking to death. Ensign Radkene, as a Tholian, could have safely entered the room and closed the valve. Mallory insisted this would be in violation of the Prime Directive. When I tried to take command of the situation so that Radkene could save the colony, Mallory had us transported back to Cromwell. *Sounds of Sobbing* There, there was nothing I could do. I was going to go back and help them anyway but by the time I'd gotten an EVA suit ready a general recall had already been sounded. I'm sorry Six, I can't talk about this any more.<End of data from Ensign Tas>

<Resume Log>  The other colony was designated 'Colony 4'. Lt Harris, Lt Petalosa, Ensign Xozalt, Crewman Goch and Petty Officer Wells went to this colony. They faced resistance upon entrance. Crewman Goch and Ensign Taylor were taken, Lt Petalosa was knocked unconscious and Lt Harris was injured. Petty Officer Wells was able to get a distress call to Colony 7 and a rescue team was sent.

Commander Martis and Lt Greene were recalled from Colony 2 to assist in the rescue and Lt S'Hirt brought 'The Brick' down with several marines. Major MarQ organized the marines into submatricies around Lt Lochwood, Lt Norris and Major MarQ. 

We arrived tunnel leading to the colony and detected several lifeforms. The lifeforms began firing at us before we were in firing range. Their projectile weapons had a greater range than Six of Twelve's disruptors or the phaser rifles. Six of Twelve moved through the bullets, taking heavy damage and destroyed them when it got into range. Major MarQ destroyed the units on the flank and once in range, the rest of the marines eliminated the threat. Five units were damaged. Dr Clark repaired all damaged units. Six units were beyond repair and had already been deactivated. These units were removed by Lt S'Hirt and taken back to Cromwell. 

Once inside the colony, we took cover from the threats and had a meeting. Major MarQ and Commander Martis were disharmonious. Major MarQ said that his function was to protect Commander Martis but Commander Martis resisted protection. We did not understand the discord. Commander Martis said that until we returned, she was the Queen. She said that Six of Twelve must ignore any commands from Major MarQ which contradict those given by her. We did not understand why their commands would be different. The disharmony between them reduced the overall efficiency of our collective. We think it had something to do with emotions but we do not understand the emotions involved. Further research on the causes of individual disharmony is needed. Why did Commander Martis require more protection than other units from Major MarQ and why did Commander Martis resist said protection?

We went to look for the missing units. We searched houses containing varying degrees of resistive elements. Six of Twelve destroyed all resistance it encountered but left non-threats unharmed as instructed. Kit contacted us then. She said that she and Goch were being held captive and that they were damaged. We began moving towards their position but were intercepted by further resistance. 

These threats were disharmonious. They seemed to have different goals; to fight and to leave. The Commander said they were to kill 'The Blue Demon and his Death Machine'. This is a metaphor for Major MarQ and Six of Twelve. Lt Norris and Lt Lochwood were designated as overwatch. They were able to deactivate the threats from behind while Six of Twelve, Major MarQ and Commander Martis dealt with those in front. We were told to stop firing when they ran away. We complied. We received a call at this point from Ensign Xozalt. She, Fletcher, Petty Officer Wells and Lt Petalosa required backup as they were being attacked. 

Lt Martis and the marines went to provide this backup while Six of Twelve, Major MarQ and Dr Clark went to release Kit and Crewman Goch. Further resistance was encountered and destroyed at the prison before we reached Kit and Crewman Goch. Commander Martis, Lt Greene, Ensign Xozal, Lt Lockwood and Lt Norris went to assist Lt Harris, Petty Officer Wells and Lt Petalosa. They found Lt Petalosa unconscious. Fletcher and Petty Officer Wells were severely damaged and Commander Martis became damaged during the encounter. They were able to defeat the resistance there however and make it to the transport site in time. Six of Twelve, Major MarQ and Dr Clark also made it to the transport site in time. Lt S'Hirt was in the dropship with Captain Sesgaard. 

On the way back to Cromwell, Major MarQ blacked out due to blood loss. He said that Six of Twelve could carry him to sickbay and that the bullet in his shoulder was to be kept. We informed Dr Clark. Major MarQ is more resilient than most individuals. He waited for a convenient time before blacking out so as not to impede our efficiency. 

We returned to Cromwell and Six of Twelve was instructed to regenerate. Our cycle was disrupted when power was reduced to compensate for the shielding which would protect Cromwell from Ortus' radiation as we made the temporal jump, sling-shotting around the star. Ortus went supernova on our return. All life on Ortus III was destroyed. That was 5000 years ago. 

We have now returned to our own time. We detected a small disturbance in space-time but as it was very small, Kit instructs us to ignore it. Six of Twelve and Four of Seven have been sent to Sentinel Station to visit Outanyocon.

<End Log>

Captain additions.  A number of Cromwell crew are noting unusual facts not from our memories.  It has become appearent we are in a parallel universe, and not our own.  Normally we would just jump back, but the star we used to travel in time has gone supernova ahead of schedule and no longer is available.  We are playing a long shot gamble to get us back involving the borg.  For that reason we have sent the civilians to Chetzia and the Cromwell Borg to Sentinal station. <end Captains log>


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