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2420.10 - 2420.11

Devon Alexander

Captain's Log: Stardate 2420.10. We are heading to Dakkus Shipyards for repairs from the Battle of Visaka. The crew is tired, and nerves frayed. This downtime will be important for them. It will also give me a chance to begin the Casper project. It is sooner than I expected, but I think it will still work.

We picked up a new crewman, Irina Pavlova, and her adopted child Jina. An accident of time I think in relation to our own time travels with the Ort Mission. While we gained one, in going on the mission, I inadvertently forced Paige Mallory's resignation. I hate to lose a good officer. But I've also gained a good officer; Starfleet, as I expected, was not as understanding of Irina's position. She has returned to Cromwell as a DFA officer.

Captain's Log Supplemental: I have spoken to DFA Command, for the moment, I can get Paige Mallory a contract position. We also spoke while on Dakkus, she has given me an idea. I hope this may be the ticket she is looking for.

Major MarQ has been promoted to command of the newly formed 265th Orbital Drop Battalion. Col Reynolds will remain in command of the 264th. Both will have to be rebuilt, but the officer Corp looks strong, including Lt's Norris and Lockwood, Fletcher has taken Alexis under his wing (I hope that is all), and with the addition of a strong Romulan cohort, including tr'Saren, t'Kah, t'Skaya we practically have three of the four Romulan elements. After the first of the year, I will be engaging Petalosa and t'Kah for pilot support for the Casper project. I had not considered, until now, if that will be a problem for Thorn. Still, I expect her to do her duty. And t'Kah to respect that as well. I will keep an eye on them. Cromwell's magic may already be at work. tr'Saren and t'Kah danced at the party. With Fletcher in the Casper project, I have moved Ona into intelligence.

For downtime, we have the holodeck to relax within. I chose, 'A tale of two cities'. A bit macabre, but it fit my current state of mind. I may have to stop in and see what the others are up to. Sgt Ainsworth was doing Starship troopers, he will be pleased with the Casper Project, as will Major MarQ.

I met Pavlova on the shooting range holodeck shooting range, Ensign Xozalt joined us. I proposed a Targ Hunt, should be good for the pair to compete. I looked forward to the hunt as well. This will test all three of us together and separately. Already, seeing their skills in action.

Stardate 2420.11 Captain's log, supplemental. Cromwell has been repaired and we have set sail for parts unknown. There are several planets that would be useful to categorize forthe DFA colonization department, and Lt. Rol has expertly organized several science missions. Tas is going to survey wildlife with our new Ensign Tress. We are dropping Mallory near what may be another StoneHenge. (Supplemental, Dr Clark ended up going with her, thank heavens. See supplemental report for away missions).

I have an assignment for DJ, but he has not been in his office when I have stopped in. I believe he is spending some time with his family; Neilson, Kit, Sally, Toby, Kaden, Martis. Irina left Jina with them in C4, but have not heard from them recently. I think Kit has also been acting as a matchmaker for Kaden Rol and Skae Themoi. I always get nervous when romance springs up on Cromwell and others get involved.

Have not seen or heard from the Borg for sometime. It's almost a Vacation for me.

I need to check in with our newest counselor, Kate. From what I hear, she is competent. Unfortunately, the time I went to her office, she too was engaged in a Holosimulation with Red and DW. Seemed like an interesting storyline, if a bit gritty and dark. I hope we will cross paths soon enough though.

I am going to finish my hologram story today. A tale of two cities. Seeing as how they expect me to be executed, I will be interested to see how the authors write that into the story.

Computer End log

<No further log entries from the captain>


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