<2420.12 - Six of Twelve - Begin Log>
Our chronometer marked the passing of twenty years in the nexus but when we returned, it had only been two months. Time appears to have passed differently for different units varying between days in the case of Toby and Commander Martis to decades in the case of Six of Twelve and Four of Seven but the time that passed outside the nexus was consistent at two months.
We successfully assimilated two-thirds of the galaxy in the nexus. A transwarp network which was constructed in Unimatrix 237, Grid 129 provided considerable tactical advantage. Six of Twelve had difficulty complying when it was time to return but we understand now. What Six of Twelve 'wants' is irrelevant. We must collect data on why individuals resist. When our task is complete, we will collect Six of Twelve and Four of Seven. Perfection is possible. We know, we have seen it.
The following data has been collected regarding where and when Cromwell's units went during our experience in the nexus:
Commander Martis Dri, Toby Knight-Martis & Jina: Toby and Luna went to a place with dinosaurs which has been designated 'The Land of the Lost'. He was chased by a large, carnivorous creature known as a tyrannosaurus rex. He met Jina in a cave underneath the river. Jina and Toby were attacked by a group of Compsognathus. Toby ran and met Commander Martis with several men. The leader of the group of men was designated 'Calico'. They were 'pirates'. They had ships that sailed on the sea instead of starships. We have been informed that sea pirates are a part of Earth's history.
Lt Red S'Hirt, Ensign Katherine Kerman & DW112 : These units went into what appeared to be a holographic program of the Species 5618 film series 'Star Wars'. Many units believed they had entered the holodeck but had actually transitioned into the nexus. Ensign Kate, Red and DW112 flew vessels from this film series in their adventure.
Lt Tas & Ensign Katressan Th'avevil: Lt Tas and Ensign Th'avevil also went to the 'Land of the Lost' and were also chased by dinosaurs. Lt Tas was eaten by a tyrannosaurus rex and activated inside a forest where he found he could communicate with animals. Ensign Th'avevil was rescued by a group of individuals suspected to be the ancestors of Species 050 (Voth).
Lt DJ Greene, Lt Kit Taylor, Sally Taylor & Neilson Greene: They were separated at Neilson's birthday party, which coincided with Cromwell entering te nexus. DJ and Neilson were taken to Montana at the time of DJ's 8th birthday. DJ and Neilson were both 8 year old in this world. Kit and Sally went to a future where Sally was an academy cadet and Kit an academy commandant. Both Kit and Sally appeared 15 years older in this world. The four of them then met up in a future where DJ was the XO of Cromwell and Neilson was the chief of security, their ages changed again to match this environment. Then they travelled back to DJ's farm again and all four of them became children. Finally, they moved to another ship in an unknown time period and returned to their current ages.
Ensign Xozal & Lt Pavlova: Entered the nexus with a holodeck simulation of a Targ hunt with Captain Sesgaard. Ensign Xozalt was successful in the objective of the hunt which we are told is to capture and deactivate the Targ and consume its heart. We do not know why but it is consistent with most Species 5008 rituals... they always seem to involve deactivating something.
Petty Officer Mallory: Or Doctor Mallory at the time. Her designation has changed. Again. Petty Officer Mallory did not provide details of her time in the nexus other than that it involved several jumps into the future and that her age changed in a similar way to Kit, DJ, Neilson and Sally's to match the timeline.
Doctor Clark: Dr Clark went to the Absolution, the Federation vessel he served on before joining the DFA. He went to a time before the event which lead to his departure from the Federation and communicated with some individuals who had been deactivated during the event.
All units except for Six of Twelve and Four of Seven came together below a bridge in France, a country on Earth during the 19th century and shared their experiences. Captain Sesgaard appeared in many of these events and will provide data on his experiences separate from this report. We exited the nexus because of the Cromwell Christmas program which diverted sufficient power to prevent Cromwell from being sucked in permanently.
The Christmas program has been running for the past two weeks. It is set in a historical reconstruction of 20th century England from a story called 'A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens'. The story is about ghosts who transport the central character through past, present and future events in much the same way Cromwell has been transported in the nexus. It ends at the house of a damaged subunit who required currency for repairs. Ebenezer Scrooge, the character who was displaced in time, provides this currency and Christmas dinner for the family. Santa Claus came to this place and provided gifts. Santa said that there were children of all ages on Cromwell. This statement appeared false but was in fact correct once our definition of 'children' was corrected. Children are those who are not finished growing. We shared some of our Christmas subroutines with khre'Arrain tr'Saren and he provided data on 'social dept'. He malfunctioned but Cuddles was able to correct the problem.