<<Stardate 2421.02. Six of Twelve. Begin Log>> The Ambassadors for the CASPER Project have arrived on Cromwell. They are currently eating in Ten Forward. There is Ambassador Havak, from the Cardassion Union. She is sitting with Lt Janos, Petty Officer Mallory, Ensign Brice and Ensign Hunter. They are sharing stories from their different cultures. Ambassador Havak is currently telling a story called 'The Tale of the Zabu'. There are three diplomatic personnel from the Federation; Ambassador Jackson, Lila Cole and Michaelly Capatuto. They are in Ten Forward with Lt Xozalt. Lila Cole suggested the DFA should rejoin Starfleet. We informed her that the DFA has shown itself to be more adaptable than Starfleet and has a resistance quotient on-par, in spite of its smaller size. There are also three representatives from the Romulan Star Empire; Ambassador D'Mora, D'harvanek and tr'Khev. The Romulans would not sit with members of Cromwell's crew. This caused a problem, as all of the tables in Ten Forward were occupied, so there were none available for them to sit alone. We have asked Marylin to solve the problem. Marylin is Arrain N'Vek's 'callsign'. A callsign is an additional designation Fighter Pilots are provided with. Marylin says Six of Twelve is to use it because we are friends. We spoke to Captain Sesgaard about Peter Pan. Santa Claus said that we must find a way to apply data from the book to our functions. We thought this might be sword fighting, but Captain Sesgaard said this was incorrect. He said that we must think of another group that, like Peter Pan, does not wish to grow up. He suggested we talk to someone like Peter Pan, so we have taken the subunits to Ten Forward to ask them. We found out that a nightmare is a dream which generates the emotion fear. One of One said that nightmares should be avoided and that talking about maturation chambers may generate them in younger children. We do not know why nightmares are to be avoided. Dreams cannot cause harm, can they? Kit and DJ Greene have been discussing their wedding. They went on a date in Ten Forward, catered by Ana Furgison. Kit said there was a conflict of some kind but would not provide further data. We still do not have a date for the wedding. Casper has made contact with Klingon ambassador, Kos and liaison Galag. Lt Lockwood and Lt Norris are providing a tour of the Casper and taking the Klingon diplomatic units to their quarters aboard. Sg Ainsworth has reported to the freighter and is in communication with Commander Sinjin. <<End Log>>
Devon & Tabitha