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Jonathan Moore

Jorge Harrisburg, accused murderer and on trial for killing the previous COO of the DFA Cromwell, escaped with the help of a refit Talaxian Battle cruiser. Cloaking technology, rare in the delta quadrant, was evidently aquired by someone with interest in abducting or rescuing Jorge and placed on the talaxian refit ship. And they turn out not to be friendly. It is clear by the end of the conversations, and hostile actions of the ship, The Nal'gaharay are behind this rescue of Jorge, the blackout sector, and ready to kill with outlawed weaponry. Dropping of chroniton mines was detected. A detachable Deflector dish provided sensor blackout to the Cromwell's sensors, leaving her blind and unable to destory the mines they knew were floating nearby. Knowing that Krenim made choniton torpedoes would go out of phase to penetrate sheilds, Cromwell was immobilized. Any contact with the mines would cause a fatal detonation. The crew worked hard from multiple angles to escape this trap. Snipers picked off mines close to the ship before they drifted into the Cromwell. Marine fighters spent hours clearing a channel for a shuttle with an engineering EVA team to get to the deflector dish. Finding that the detached deflector was booby trapped for either feedback if shut down, or destroyed by phaser fire, the danger was of a warp core overload even at that range would incapacitate the Cromwell. Engineering determined its gyros were vulnerable and fed false information causing it to turn away from the Cromwell. Cromwell now has sensors back online and is beginning to chart a pathway out of the minefield, time to turn the tables on the Nal'gaharay. 

Meanwhile nearby in the blackouted sector, vigilantes, or patriots, from Capenella assaulted one of the terrorists blackout ships, finding significant intellegence on the ships and their deployment. Bad timing caused an encounter with the same Terrorist crewed Talaxian Battle Cruiser. Without a resident expert on Krenim weaponry, the assault frigate was incapacitated when the terrorists deployed the remainder of their mines. The Marines from Cromwell, in pursuit of that same terrorist Talaxian Battle Crusier have just made contact with the assault frigate, is it in time to rescue the crew? Will Cromwell be able to get out of the minefield in time to make it to assist? 

Aboard Cromwell, crew backgrounds are beginning to have play, it seems there are a number of secrets that are slowly being uncovered. Suspicions rise as more and more evidence points to a romulan underground, possibly operating from Cromwell herself? Cromwell crew are trying to shut it down before the DFA is brought into uncomfortable questions from the Romulan Star Empire. 

Jonathan Moore

The trial was hotly contested. There is innuendo and concerns of loyalty and duty on both sides of the trial. The trial is becoming divisive for the crew. There is a motion for Jorge Harrisburg to be released from the brig, pending the official trial. The crew has concerns, which may be legitimate, if Jorge did as he was accused of, murder. This will be settle soon. Ensign Harrisburg is about to take the stand. JAG, Chief of Security, XO, and even the Captain are involved as well as additional security personnel and witnesses. There may be that many, if not more, opinions of this case as there are players. 

The ship is beginning to function on it new intended mission, seek out Nal'garhay bases and destroy them. The preparations and planning are well underway. Marines, Security, science, operations all are bringing their expertise together to find the best solutions to the investigations and explorations, and stop the terrorists form their continued hostilities. Engineering has been able to create a graviton bomb, but the ethical questions of it's use, or any indiscriminate explosives use, is being debated. If there is renewed Nal'gararay aggression, the point may no longer be debated. The search teams including engineering, Marine forces and intelligence have discovered a ship that is assisting in a blackout of a large portion of a sector of DFA space. They are attempting to carefully figure out exactly what is being hidden. 

Cromwell's newest Marine Intelligence officer has been instrumental in his assistance for this discover. Marine Major Dejah's piloting has led them to the interesting discoveries of "blackout' ships supressing nearly a secotr of space, for what end?. Cromwell regrets to announce the death of a security officer, and by his own hand. Kras, a most unique (and well played) Ferengi managed to pull off a suicide while in the Brig. On the other hand, He shot his own crewmate during a security drill. This set off a serious look at the crew, and their stance of suicide. Heighten awareness, and considerations has made some characters feel oppressed, and others feel vindicated. The dark exploration of this topic has been charged. 

Intelligence and Security are falling over each other in duties, which has prompted the captain to add additional duties to each, until such a time they can decide which department manages which tasks. Holodeck programming is assisting in presenting scenarios where the two department work together to draw the lines. They are currently dealing with a diplomatic escort aboard the ship. 

Lastly, a minor mystery is beginning aboard the Cromwell, with potential ramifications with the Romulan empire. Are the propaganda being covertly sent from DFA space to the Romulan Empire a minor issue of Internal Romulan dissent, or will this cause larger problems for the crew of the Cromwell?

Jonathan Moore

There is the wrap up of a murder investigation which has gone to trial. The positions are being hotly contested, and the trial has not even begun! The Pre-trial hearings are beginning, intended to prove there is sufficient evidence to bring this officer to trial, and that Cromwell-B can be impartial in judging one of their own, accused of murdering another of their own crew. Within the crew, the devotion between crewmates continues. Nearly everyone has been impacted by the Cromwell leaving one of their own behind on a rough away mission. And those that weren't, either have no feelings, or weren't around to care.

The ship is beginning to function on it new intended mission, seek out Nal'garhay bases and destroy them. The preparations and planning are underway. Marines, Security, science, operations all are bringing their expertise together to find the best solutions to the investigations and explorations, and stop the terrorists form their continued hostilities.

Numerous threads are weaving, and as one becomes unravelled, new hidden mysteries are appearing. Investigations have turned up unexpected leads taking the ships and its intelligence teams in unexpected directions from unrelated findings. Cromwell is becoming a mobile transfer station and halfway house for wayward individuals. Some are good, such as the Combat Surgeon rescued from a starfleet runabout, who has since joined the DFA academy for orientation training in hopes of working with DFA forces. Good Luck Dr. Janz. Others are unknown, and are only now uncovering a tangled plot of deception on deception with agents thought killed, resurfacing in debris fields with implanted romulan memories. Welcome Lt Reynolds, our newest Marine intelligence officer. Still others have a self described neferious past, and are certain to bring conflict to the crew despite their need of his skills and knowledge, welcome Mr Torr, a trill with lifetimes of mysteries. 

Indeed, the preparations are well underway for dealing with the terrorists, with security running training sessions. The terrorists ae not allowing time though, and unfortunate encounter with a placed graviton mine interrupted the Cromwell on its patrol, and precipitated an actual incursion onto the Cromwell. Security teams were successful in locking down the ship, and even saving the ship from a warp core breach. The terrorists are not allowing the Cromwell crew time to regroup or train, and are even now pressing home the attack aboard the ship. The ever elusive Nal'garhay have not been trapped and are still at large aboard the Cromwell as this month's summary closes.

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